The Fish Bowl

I love small dogs and the artificial flavor watermelon. Sometimes when i get really nervous i poop on my roomates pillow. "You made your big gay bed, and now you must sleep gaily in it" - Three To Tango This link kills spam

Monday, June 27, 2005

What a day.

I am fairly positive i haven't put my foot in my mouth so many times as i have done today.

Good job me.

Oh well, one good thing did come out of today, I rediscovered 98 degrees!! Yeah i know boy bands suck. But these guys actually had talent.

Anyways, all i really wanted to do was apologize again to all those i have hurt in the last few entries, i never think in the heat of the moment that what i do will have an adverse affect. I always think some miracle will happen and i will always be right.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day right?

Take care,


and its just like you said

Peanuts said when he posted that a million people who hadn't really left comments before come out of the woodwork to leave one or two on a contraversial entry... and yes i know i spelled that word wrong.

I have been doing this whole thing all wrong apparently. Apparently this whole thing shouldn't even have effected me.

I apologize to anyone that was upset by my latest entries, but to not detract from the fact that women are horrible sometimes.

I guess i just don't like it when my friends are messed with. Nor do i like it when i am messed with. It is just being made to understand one thing for so long and then having it suddenly change is kinda upseting to the natural flow of things. I have been wrong a lot but apparently i was so wrong it almost killed me this time.

Oh well, hey on the brightside it has to get better from here, there really is no place left to fall!

Take care.


the farsh

OK so anyways...

Ok so maybe I don't really mean that I am declaring war on women.

Understand that was really close to doing it that time.

I will say this much though, give us guys a break. We are only doing what you thought you wanted us to do.

It is just so hard to be mad at women, when i am still in love with the crazy queen.

I guess till things change, the war is canceled. Just understand, my spirit is kinda busted... till furthur notice.

The once and former Commander,

Dennis Lynn

Common theme.

Well this seems like a common theme as of late. I wasn't going to post about it, cause I just didn't feel it important nor funny enough, however in light of recent events both to my friends and myself, it is my civic duty to express my shere frustration with the entire female gender.

You suck.

Real bad.

Here's a question for the guys, how many times have you been completely open and honest with a woman, just to have your openess and honesty cast aside with an "I know" or an "Aw that's nice". Sucks balls huh? How many times have you been that open, gotten that answer and then spent the majority of your time trying to figure out how they felt about you? I mean how much more open do you have to be.

Here ya go girls, this will make it real easy for you. If we tell you we like you, guess what, that's saying a lot. Most guys it takes a majority of their energy to swallow their pride and open themeselves up to be hurt. The movement of the 21st century is towards a more understanding and sympathetic male, something women have been crying over for the majority of human existence. We do this only to find out now, that these cries have been with the intention of payback apparently as women have become less understanding and sympathetic. So instead of answering our cry of honesty and compasion, we get the run-around while all along they have a gut feeling or know entirely but just chose to leave us in the lurch.

This game has gone on long enough, it has to stop. Too many fine men are being destroyed. There are still nice girls out there who long for a sympathetic, understanding, and genuine male. You vendictive bitches are ruining it for them. I apparently am still searching for the fully honest female for me, but until that time...

I am officially declaring war on women.

It is a long time coming, all the heartache me and my bretherin have taken has gone on too long. I am taking a stand against the un-communicating females of the world. Your games have now become much more interesting, cause now i am gonna play. I am recruiting all men who have suffered the pain of dealing with a girl who just can't tell you how they feel easily. Men aren't really educated in this whole game playing ordeal, however if we work together we can shatter the female mentality of the "chase" and ruin their ability to play the game so that all they will soon be able to do is actually talk to you completely open and honestly.

I am the best game player in the known universe. You girls are screwed.

I am waiting for your white flag of truce.

Yours truly,

Dennis Lynn

Commander of the first wave of female defense.

Game Over.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

"I won't run for my life"

hooray for semi-charmed life!!

moving on...

i haven't posted in a while, there really isn't much to say. I work a lot. I have no real social life apart from the ridiculous amount of drinking that goes on in my apartment. OH yeah i won some money at poker, i am actually up on my winnings right now by about 10 bucks. So that's cool.

It's cold in my room... i am shaking as i am typing this. That is neat considering the rest of the world is at what 104 degrees in the shade?

phew so anyways, i am training a girl at work. That's right a girl in a video game store, and she knows not a lot about video games. It sucks yeah, but she is already almost selling better than me. You know what it is right? you guessed it, the shoes.

ok so not really the shoes, its a little higher but there are two of them.

It just isn't fair really, i mean i know a lot about games, i have been selling forever and i sell pretty well. She comes in one day, and freakin sells an MVP card and gets people to buy shit they never intended on...

oh well maybe i will get a bonus now.

which reminds me, i am broke. Not really broke, but just don't have a lot of money. Which makes me sad :( but all my bills are paid, and i have food and gas which makes me happy :)

I really want a dog.

A dog named anubis.

he's sexy.

and can drive.

Ok but seriously though, i do need to make one comment that i fear is gonna go un-noticed under the radar till something truly bad happens.

A few days ago the supreme court made a ruling allowing local officials to tear down private housing and buisnesses in favor of projects that will benefit the entire community. Sounds fair right?? Except in this ruling, there were familys involved, a small buisness run for a few generations, the dwelling of an 80 year old couple. These are all being torn down in favor of a shopping mall, and an office building. The only thing this is benefiting are spoiled kids with daddy's money, and the local politicians bankroll. This government makes me sick sometimes.

Joe, please post a comment and inform these people.

That is all.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I am retarded!

OK so as i drove to my parents and back today i hit a realization point.


I have no reason to be this depressed for this long. I have no reason to be this upset over something so trivial as losing what i thought i had but never really did in the first place! I have spent the last week not sleeping, barely eating over what?? Something that i will get over whether i want to or not, by that point i will have wasted some of my best days whining over something i don't have. There are just too many good things to care about, like my job... and my job... oh yeah and my job...

Well there is more, like my new place, which kicks ass. I am meeting some new and exciting people up here, mainly my new roomate mark and his girlfriend erin. They are both fantastic people, mark is hilarious and him and i are a lot alike really. Erin is also fantastic, and we are almost identical, we both obsess over show tunes, sing like crazy, and are basically whacked out of our god damned gords. I think they are both super awesome, and it's really funny because Erin is desperately trying to set me up despite my lack of interest or time. You know it is getting bad when a girl is enticing you with sports just to meet her friends. I guess i really don't have it that bad.

Which is really the general theme for all of this. In the end, i really have it pretty good. I have a nice place, good friends, a great job. I miss all my old friends in whitewater like crazy, i think about them all the time, especially tommy even though he is flaming. I am probably gonna have to go back there and beat the crap out of him sometime in the coming week just cause i have more good news...


that's right kids, and you know what else, i don't have to come in either of those days, and i have no reason to come in either. My guys are finally getting the hint i can't do it all myself and are starting to sell when i am not there. We are actually over our revenue plan for this month!! and considering we were short by like 4000 dollars before i got here, that is pretty sweet.

all in all like i said, life is really good, i have no reason to be depressed, so i am just gonna stop. That's right folks, no drugs needed, no therapy needed. I can just quit cold turkey just like they used to do in the olden days. All of you who said i should seek help, you have no idea who you are dealing with. I had to deal with everyone elses problems for so long i forgot how to deal with my own. I am back on track now and ready to kick ass.

So to sum it up, i have stopped being depressed cause it is stupid. I am gonna stop thinking about what i can never have. I am now gonna focus on the future and hope that something cool comes my way!

Peace outside!!


Thursday, June 09, 2005

post this...

Ok, well i haven't posted in a few days cause i have been working and refuse to talk about what is going on in my life. I have officially hidden myself from the world at my store. At the tone i will have worked almost 60 hours this week with 2 more days to go. TONE!! that's right i am crazy

I learned how to work on the hollywood side today, now not only will i be working almost 60 hours a week at my store i will aslo be working a couple days on the other side.

You are all thinking i am crazy, i get paid salary so none of this matters.

If you can give me one good reason why i should do anything but spend the entirity of my best years in this store, you win. I have been searching for a good reason for a few days, and all i get are thoughts i am choosing not to think of. To stop thinking about myself i have immersed myself in my job and the training of my people. my store will be a well oiled machine. Whats left of my life will soon be destroyed, and to be honest it is probably for the better. I can control what goes on at work, i can't control what goes on in my personal life. Ever, so i have decided to stop trying.

In closing if i don't talk to you for a while, or i dont' answer your calls. Assume I am dead. Or at least too busy to care about life. I will call you back, when i am done working. Which should be sometime around never.

Take care, I am going to go and be a social hermit crab.