OK so as i drove to my parents and back today i hit a realization point.
I have no reason to be this depressed for this long. I have no reason to be this upset over something so trivial as losing what i thought i had but never really did in the first place! I have spent the last week not sleeping, barely eating over what?? Something that i will get over whether i want to or not, by that point i will have wasted some of my best days whining over something i don't have. There are just too many good things to care about, like my job... and my job... oh yeah and my job...
Well there is more, like my new place, which kicks ass. I am meeting some new and exciting people up here, mainly my new roomate mark and his girlfriend erin. They are both fantastic people, mark is hilarious and him and i are a lot alike really. Erin is also fantastic, and we are almost identical, we both obsess over show tunes, sing like crazy, and are basically whacked out of our god damned gords. I think they are both super awesome, and it's really funny because Erin is desperately trying to set me up despite my lack of interest or time. You know it is getting bad when a girl is enticing you with sports just to meet her friends. I guess i really don't have it that bad.
Which is really the general theme for all of this. In the end, i really have it pretty good. I have a nice place, good friends, a great job. I miss all my old friends in whitewater like crazy, i think about them all the time, especially tommy even though he is flaming. I am probably gonna have to go back there and beat the crap out of him sometime in the coming week just cause i have more good news...
that's right kids, and you know what else, i don't have to come in either of those days, and i have no reason to come in either. My guys are finally getting the hint i can't do it all myself and are starting to sell when i am not there. We are actually over our revenue plan for this month!! and considering we were short by like 4000 dollars before i got here, that is pretty sweet.
all in all like i said, life is really good, i have no reason to be depressed, so i am just gonna stop. That's right folks, no drugs needed, no therapy needed. I can just quit cold turkey just like they used to do in the olden days. All of you who said i should seek help, you have no idea who you are dealing with. I had to deal with everyone elses problems for so long i forgot how to deal with my own. I am back on track now and ready to kick ass.
So to sum it up, i have stopped being depressed cause it is stupid. I am gonna stop thinking about what i can never have. I am now gonna focus on the future and hope that something cool comes my way!
Peace outside!!