The Fish Bowl

I love small dogs and the artificial flavor watermelon. Sometimes when i get really nervous i poop on my roomates pillow. "You made your big gay bed, and now you must sleep gaily in it" - Three To Tango This link kills spam

Sunday, February 19, 2006

So I was gonna post...

But the post I wrote up is not appropriate for this kind of forum. It has some resolutions in it, that I want to do first before I say I am going to do it publicly. You will know when I have actually pulled it off.

Unfortunately, I don't feel like re-writing information, so you guys are stuck reading a post with nothing in it. I am sorry.

Dennis Lynn


At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, I'm curious...give us just a nibble of your resolutions, a hint, something...


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