The Fish Bowl

I love small dogs and the artificial flavor watermelon. Sometimes when i get really nervous i poop on my roomates pillow. "You made your big gay bed, and now you must sleep gaily in it" - Three To Tango This link kills spam

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A whole lot of nothin...

So I leave Whitewater in hopes of escaping drama (that and a good job offer) and run smack dab into the lions den. It's almost like I jumped from a fire to a volcano. Long story short one of my female friends is having issues with her lesbian ex-lover because she is hanging out with my roomate. Violence is involved. Actually my friend got the crap beat out of her today by her lesbian partner, so my sister and I went and picked her up from her abusive apartment where she is now staying with the man who has been at the center of all of this drama in the first place.

Why are people so self-destructive?

Oh well, the way I see it, this lesbian lover is freakin' nuts anyways, she is better off here then there and who cares what she thinks.

I hope that all wasn't too confusing...

So anyways, I think I am going to try my hand at writing a song again. A few years ago I tried to write a song and it didn't go so well, I think I wanna try again.

Moving on...

I talked to my roomate today, and I am moving out in May to live with Andy, which is pretty pimp. I am just excited to have a roomate I can actually hang out with again without any nervous tension. It also helps that the place we are moving to has a swimming pool, sauna, hot tub, and work out facility, let's not forget in apartment laundry, fireplace, cathedral ceilings, and underground heated parking, all for about 100 bucks less than the place I am currently residing. Oh yeah, and Erin lives in the same complex. Wildly convenient if you don't mind my saying so, and really you don't have a choice, so I am saying so.

I can't wait to get a new job. I don't even care where, I just want a change of pace. A part of me wants to stick with this job because I am up for a raise soon, but another part of me still hates all the bullshit that comes with being in charge of adolescent gamers. I am not talking about my employees, I am talking about the kids whose parents drop them off at my store as a sort of free day care, all the while never being asked if I was even capable of caring for their children. I am more worried for the children than anything, the fact that they would just leave their kids at a video game store and expect everything to be fine for extended periods of time, does wonders to my faith in parenthood. I just hope I am never like that. If I am going to let video games supervise my kids, it is gonna have to happen in my own house, not under the charge of someone presumeably unqualified to care for my children, for all they know I could be a registered sex offender! I think I am gonna start charging for any time that a child spends in my store unattended in excess of a half hour.

I want to win the lottery, make all my money issues go away. I definetly need that. I owe WAY more money than I make, and I am simply too generous with the little bit of money I have. I should travel back in time to high school and write down every person who I loaned money too so I can get it back to pay off the people who loaned money to me. Too bad I am not like that.

Erin and I are in a good place right now. She is working full time, and going to school full time which I am beginning to realize is maybe a good thing. To date, there really hasn't been much in the way of a test to our relationship, if you don't count the incredible beginning, and we could use a bit of shifting in our pontoon. If this relationship is gonna make it for the long haul, there really has to be a test like this, we don't see eachother much anymore, and we need to learn how to manage our time and make time when we can while still making time for our friends and other obligations. I am actually impressed so far, I mean for a little while it seemed a little too difficult, but I am settling in and actually enjoying this whole thing. It sounds bad to say it, but I almost like it more when I have to work really hard to maintain a relationship. Perhaps that is why so many in the past failed, I mean maybe I was never in a relationship where I felt like I wanted it to be hard. It always seemed to be that whenever it got too difficult, one of us would end it to save any future pain. I guess I just feel like I want to do whatever I can to make the little time we spend together as unforgettable as possible so that when we go a week or so without seeing eachother we really look forward even more so to the time we spend together.

Anyways, I am going to start making more frequent trips back to Whitewater. I have decided that I have distanced myself from that town and my friends there too much. I have almost taken it for granted that I have friends, I have never really taken the time to put the effort in to maintaining a lot of those friendships. I really only talk to Tommy and Andy nowadays. I am going to make a stronger effort to make myself more available so I can come out and party more, or just hang out. To that end, if any of you are reading this and wanna hang out, you should definetly call me and I will do what I can to come out and hang, cause I really do miss it.

I am running out of stuff to talk about and I gotta work in the morning, if you wanna hear more on my life you really should call me. Even if I am working, I am always more than willing to answer my phone as long as I am not too busy, besides, anybody who knows me, knows how much I like to talk. Take care!

Dennis Lynn


At 12:06 AM, Blogger Peanuts said...

true, you can talk... when you actually pick up your phone. But you know i win in talking more. This is gonna rock living together, but you need to keep me up to date on when we sign leases and how much i need by when, cause i know i owe you money, i'm just as poor as you are.

*physically excited about living with you again, especially in Madison.*

At 4:13 PM, Blogger RemedialBallerina said...

I just read your entire blog from start to finish. Wow, what good times it reminded me of.

Bambi Fiona Munchkin!
Awk Owl One Bowling Pin!
The Prisoner of Azka-Crack!
Peter Pan!

On a more serious note, the one post you made that stuck with me the most was the one you made when you first moved to Madison. You said that you wanted to be remembered and not forgotten. Do you think you are remembered?

I do.

Do you think people miss you and your presence?

They do.


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