a party in my... brain
For all you sick people waiting for me to say party in my pants. You have issues.
Ok so i haven't posted on here in like FOREVER but it is mostly just because i really really hate you.
Ok so not really.
But i have realized that a lot of people use this thing when they are angry or mildly upset, or incredibly depressed. I am none of those lately. I feel like have won the lottery although i didn't even enter!!
Which by they way, i am still waiting for my check for 17.6 million dollars. Interest is accumulating State of Wisconsin, I wouldn't wait much longer if i were you...
Anyways, i did win the lottery, however i didn't win any money. I did however win a bunch of really good christmas presents, which i could really care less about, two days off of work, which i love, time with my family, and a really amazing girlfriend.
Normally i would be afraid to post such a thing on my blog, stating how incredibly astounding a single person can be, but for some reason i feel you should know.
So that beautiful girl that i have been kinda seeing every once in a while, for those of you who don't know any better, yeah we are dating now. If you didn't know that, then stop reading my blog you person who really doesn't know me. Unless your joe or matt. Then you may keep reading.
I haven't truly fallen for someone in forever. i only know that because i have fallen for this girl to be named later and it made me realize that i had no idea what i was doing all this time till now. It seems to me whenever you have to wait for something, or really work for it, or both, that it is that much more amazing when you finally get it.
Oh and the best part is, i am fairly certain she has fallen for me too. So that folks makes me the big lottery winner. That doesn't mean however, that i am still not waiting for my big check. Cause i am. Any day now.
That is all i gotta say, i probably won't post for a while, mostly out of laziness. Take care y'all!!