The Fish Bowl

I love small dogs and the artificial flavor watermelon. Sometimes when i get really nervous i poop on my roomates pillow. "You made your big gay bed, and now you must sleep gaily in it" - Three To Tango This link kills spam

Thursday, July 28, 2005

"the sweetest goodbye that i ever did recieve."

The only reason for that title, is because it is the theme music that is playing on my itunes for this entry.

So there really is no word to describe how good i feel right now. I slept all night again, two nights in a row, last night. A new bed will apparently do that to you. On top of that i got my ad campaign that i wanted, worth about 1,000 dollars. I also get a free concert out of the gig, and a shit load of tickets, so if anyone wants to go to WJJO band camp, drop me a line i will see what i can do.

So those are about the only reasons i am feeling as great as i am right now, and those are as good a reason as any. So suck it trebek.

Anyways, what's new you ask?? nothing actually, just that above stuff. I am still working like crazy, more so now with this new campaign, and i still love it.

New girls you ask? Nope, now this is where i would say nobody is interested in me. First off, that would be a lie, and second off i haven't really started looking, so until i do that you will receive no further updates from here. However i will say i am interested in a couple girls right now, neither of which would be a smart choice on my part, but hey who am i to say it couldnt' work right? we will just have to see.

Apart from that, madison rocks still. I am staying busy and life is actually pretty spectacular right now. My brain has stopped moving at a mile a minute and instead has hit a nice cool mach 5. This is ok, because it is all about work and not about random crazy things.

So i guess it is time for me to get back to cleaning my apartment, i mean i woke up at 7:30 to do so :) . I am so happy right now!!

Dennis Lynn

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I am not sure what to post about... so I am gonna let my fingers do the talking.


Apparently that is all my fingers had to say...

Take care!!


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Independent films.

Wow, I have a new found respect for all the people of the world who get really really high and have a good idea. Especially the ones who act on it. Talk about a great conversation.

"dude, i got this great idea for a short film." Said the man who we'll just affectionately call Dumbass

"Lets' hear it!" Said his buddy, Assface

"We will have jesus head-butt a minister of the faith, then strike him with lightning!!" Said dumbass.

"Yeah and then we can say STRUCK DOWN!!! really loud!!" replied assface with enthusiasm.

This was followed by hoots and hollers from several other equally intelligent students at the UW Madison. A few girls even took off their shirts in celebration.

The guys screamed hooray for boobies and grabbed their video cameras.

I am positive that is exactly how that had to have gone, because no other excuse would be believeable for what i saw at the commons today at sunset. It was a very very funny film called "when the lord attacks" however to bring it out of that hazy enviroment and into a crowd on the madison union terrace, may have been a decision they should have saved till they were sober. I mean an internet show, might have been a better route. It would have been just as hilarious, and the right crowd would have gotten to see it. As it stands right now, i am near positive a wild riot has now ensued on state street, pickets and everything. Babies crying, mothers running their children to shelter. With our heroes Dumbass and Assface sitting on top of their dormatory roof, overlooking the scene they caused with a delighted "I knew it would be freakin hilarious!!" followed by the hoots and hollers of more girls taking of their shirts and more weed being passed around the circle.

By the way in the end, they end up writing another sequel to blair witch and win three oscars.

I love indepenent films!!

Dennis Lynn

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I have once again, completely thrust myself at the mercy of my job. I had to fire probably the best employee i had, well not really fire him but transfer him. He is being transfered to the hollywood side because i can't give him enough hours. He's got a kid on they way, and he really needs the money so i figured this would probably be the best situation for him. It just sucks cause now i lost the only guy who was there before i got there... well that and he was incredibly reliable and the best employee i have ever had. Oh well, i guess life goes on.

But anyways, because i had to let him go, i am now working even more to try to train my two other people to his standard so i can trust the store when i leave for vacation or whatever. My hours in the store are skyrocketing. I guess that is my job too huh?

I really have no social life. Chew on this, the only time i do anything outside of work is my roomate, who is the only person i have taken any time to get to know since i have gotten here. I have been so fixated on the past i have completely forgotten to take in to effect i am in a totally new place. I know one person here, my roomate, if i don't get out there and try to meet new people i am never going to have a lot of madison friends here. My only madison friends right now are people i work with and my roomate. Well that and my fraternity brothers whom i never talk to cause i am an asshole.

Bill is coming up tonight, that is gonna be fun. We are actually prolly gonna hit a bar around here, and have us some random Gamma Epsilon hijinks. YES I JUST SAID HIJINKS!!

So i have been drinking a lot more since i got here, apparently that is the only fun thing to do here in madison according to my roomate. When you get done with work for the week, you spend your weekend getting trashed. I am pretty good about keeping it to once per week, but that is still way more drinking than i ever wanted to do again, i went down that drinking road. That was not a fun road. I guess i just i don't have to watch new friends fall into another bad habit.

Which also reminds me, i have been doing an awefully horrible job of being everyone's dad. All of my whitewater friends drink A LOT!!! I may have never really noticed it before i guess, but i mean there just has to be more to do than drink every night. I mean everytime i talk to peanuts he is playing circle of death that night. I am not trying to judge, cause who am i to talk, but i just never noticed before and now i am taking notice. I just hope nobody gets too silly and gets hurt. I think that drinking is what has cause 90 percent of my drama while i was in whitewater, drinking either by me or by the other person who became part of the drama. The problem is that when people drink, they think that it is the best time to have important conversations, yet again a point that i have no grounds to stand on, but i am just saying. I am making it a personal goal of mine to not do drunk calls or maintain any kind of serious conversation when i am trashed. The hopes of this is to not say something i would potentially regret. And for all of you who say that alcohol makes you honest, that is horshit, it makes you say stupid things you don't mean and you know it better than i do you silly peoples.

I have said plenty of stupid things when i was under the influence, and i am making it my personal goal to stop. However that doesn't mean that you shouldn't have fun, just strongly consider what you say before you say it. Or maybe just don't bring it up to me.

I am forcing myself into a no drama zone. I have tried very hard to be there, but i constantly create drama. I need to stop. No more talking about depressing subjects on my blog, if i have nothing to say that is positive and upbeat, then i will say nothing at all. The last thing someone needs to read when they look on my blog is why i am depressed at that juncture. In all actuality i am not that depressed i am just a drama whore apparently. I need to stop giving off the impression that something is wrong with me and just accept that i have a fantastic life.

Wow that entire entry is really really wierd.

Well here is what it boils down to, for all of you who stopped reading my blog cause you were tired of me bitching about women, i am going to try my best to stop now. There that is all.

Dennis Lynn

P.S. I wasn't kidding before i really really don't like the name fish. However if you feel you really have to call me that nickname go right ahead. I just feel like if that is the only way you know me, then you don't know the real me. The people who have really cared about me i have found were able to discern between using my real name and using my nickname. I respect those people because they have respect for me. I still have the respect for people who use my nickname, but it is time to give it up. Like i said though, if that is the only way you know me, then do what you have to do i guess, i just worry that maybe you should try to get to know me a little better, then you may have seen all along how much i really disliked that name. Sorry to my big brother tommy, who gave me that nickname, i know you were really proud to give me it, but that is not who i am. Well, at least not who i wanted to be.

Take care... again.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

How could this happen to me?

The untitled song by Simple Plan is not really appropriate in this situation, but is still a really good song. So there.

Well I am finally sleeping, well. I can eat full meals. I am not really depressed at this particular juncture. Life is in fact pretty good.

I got my eyes checked today, same RX but my eyes are dialated so it is hard to read the computer screen. Good news, I have contacts again!! It is only gonna cost me about 400 bucks for my glasses, including lenses. That sucks, apparently i am in no huge hurry for that purchase.

I am REALLY tan. I am almost african-american. All because of the best weekend ever!! well everything except for about 1 hour of it. And kivi was being dramatic. He keeps somehow forgetting that B.A.S. and slips every once in a while. Oh well he is only human.

I, on the other hand, have put off mortality and become devine. That is correct i am superman!! Well at least in my dream last night I was. Oh yeah which reminds me, full nights sleep = dreams. Whoa, didn't see that coming.

Ok and now for the depressing part of my entry. I have come to another startling realization. I am a dateable guy. Oooo weren't expecting that were you! well let me just add a little * to that. See below.

* - dateable to a point.

There comes a point in every single relationship i have ever had, where it just randomly stops. There is no reason for it, and it is almost always after we have a really really good time somewhere. Be it on a date, just hanging out, or we just hit a really high point in the relationship. Which leads me to this conclusion: I am one of the best friends a girl can have, i am understanding, i know their problems, i am always there for them, i feel their pain, and hold their hand through everything. I listen to their complaints about the guy that hurt them, i give them advice on a guy that is clearly an asshole but will have none of it, so i cautiously give them several plausible reasons why maybe dating that guy isn't a decision that they should make. Ultimately girls listen to me. It isn't my persuasive attitude, i just connect with them. I have more girl friends than guy friends.

All that being said, straight girls don't date girls. Being grouped into a female friend category puts me in a bad situation, either A. the girl doesn't date me because i am her friend, thus making me a girl to her, or B. she dates me because i connect with her on a level that she didn't think a guy could. At some time in that seemingly wonderful relationship, she realizes she only dated me because i was her best friend, then she asks herself, would she date her best girlfriend. Of course the answer to that is no. Now she realizes she loves me as her best girl friend and not as a boyfriend and I get fired off into the female friend pack again. All the while bewildered and with no reason why. I get no reason cause there is none, nothing has changed except for her realization that her love for me is that of a love towards a best friend and nothing more. Because of this there is no reason. That is why whenever i ask a girl for a reason why she stopped loving me so suddely they can give none because they haven't. Thus giving a whole new meaning to "I love you, but I am not in love with you." This is what was formerly the worst line a guy could here, fear not I have figured it out, she loves you, just not like she thought she did. Ta Da, another meaning solved "it wasn't you, it was me." see it isn't your fault, the girl just realized that you weren't a girl.

To recap, i will never have a serious meaningful relationship that lasts a long time. I am just to good of a friend. So guys, you don't have to be an asshole to get the girl, just stop being their friend. Pretend you don't get it when they are having guy problems. Pretend you don't understand when they are unhappy. That is the best way to a womans heart, be un-educated. In not understanding their problems you are ensuring yourself plenty of time to win her over with your personality, then it won't matter how good of a friend you are, she will love you for being a guy, who is learning quickly what its like to be a girl.

See that wasn't so depressing was it. I am impressed myself.

However i have spent so much time desperatly trying to understand the female psyche, hoping it would give me an advantage over the normal man, only to find out i have permenantly handicapped myslef.

Here is to the best girl friend ever.

Dennis Lynn